About Course
Jesus Christ chose seventy disciples from five hundred brethren and twelve
apostles from seventy disciples. He chose three disciples, (Peter, James and
John) from the twelve and one (John) from the three. There is a difference
between the seventy and twelve, between the twelve and the three and
between the three and one.
Five hundred is represented with the biggest circle. Inside it is the circle of
seventy. Inside this is the circle of twelve, then three and lastly the circle of
one – I Corinthians 15:6.
his category of people represents the church members. They are brethren,
born again but follow Christ from afar off. They go to the church when it is
convenient for them. They are so close to the world that they can easily
backslide because the part of the world is still attracting them. In an
unfavourable situation they can easily deny Christ – John 18:18, 25-27.
As Peter followed Jesus Christ from afar off, he denied Him when there
was sudden danger. This is the spiritual standard of these five hundred
believers. If you remain in this group, you are not sure you can stay to the
end – Prov. 9:16-18. Sin may appear attractive but the end result is death.
Those who are still afar off from Jesus Christ, occasionally, still go back and
taste the world and they came back again to Jesus Christ. Often they are up
today and down tomorrow. Most of the time they fall and never return. It is
easier to fall than to stand.
To have tasted God and then fall back again is a very unpleasant thing
indeed because all the joy that they have will be gone forever – II Pet.
The five hundred brethren are just like people coming to the church
and going back to their houses.
THE SEVENTY – Luke 10:1-11
16The second group of people is the seventy. They were fully
instructed about what to do on their journey, how to begin,
how to behave and what to say. The first thing we learn about
this seventy is that they were fixed for service. They were not
just bench-warmers. God looked at them and saw that there
was something special that this seventy could do; so He set
them apart. He found that they would be useful, obedient and
be able to take instructions. If you want to move out of the
entire congregation, you must obey instructions (i.e. be
For example, if after this training you are found fit, you will be asked to join
the workers. Then, suddenly, you discover that you have to obey the Pastor
more than before. You have to make up your mind whether to obey the
Pastor and remain with the workers or to disobey and join again the
ordinary members who are represented by the five hundred.
When you are just in the congregation (five hundred), you can travel
anytime you like or anywhere you like. You do not need to tell the Pastor.
However, the moment you join the workers (seventy), even if you are going
to see anyone over the weekend you have to inform the Pastor.
Even if there is a work to be done by workers that requires the presence of
every worker and you have your own programme, you have to choose
either what others are doing or you choose your own programme
and go back to the congregation (five hundred). It is a question of choice.
To be among the workers, you must be there forever. You may decide
voluntarily not to be a member anymore but once God has made you head,
may you not become tail again. If you cannot do what the seventy did today,
you cannot go farther than the five hundred. The Gideon’s Army were
chosen because they were disciplined.
Those who will be among the seventy must learn to serve continuously.
When Jesus sent them out, He did not follow then Himself. This means
anyone who belongs to the seventy must learn to serve without
supervision – Phil. 2:12.
Wherever he is, he will perform well as if Jesus is there. Whether the
Pastor is there or not, he will still be working for God because he knows
17he is not working for man and It is only God who will reward him – Col.
Jesus asked them not to take any money with them because He was
trying to teach them how to endure hardship. When you are sent
somewhere you do not know and you are asked not to take any money
with you, you know you have to endure. Nobody can join the workers
unless he can fast. Occasionally, you will come to the church and think
that after the service you will eat but you discover that there is no time for
eating till the evening. Fasting is one of the responsibilities of workers.
Fasting helps you to grow spiritually. If you want to join the group of
seventy, you must be ready to endure hardship and be ready to fast.
Anyone who wants to join the work-force must be ready to serve God
with all his ability – Matt. 5:20-23. You cannot do more than your best but
God expects you to do your best. If you do your best, He knows you cannot
deceive Him. The seventy were asked to go without taking anything with
them. It means they were supposed to use whatever they had for God.
Anything you have, you must be willing to use it for God. Nevertheless,
make sure you take the best for God – Mark 14:3-9.
Also, Jesus sent them without supervision so that they might serve Him
without seeking recognition. They worked for God without eye service (I
Peter 4:11). In other words, when you belong to the circle of seventy, you
must be doing things only to glorify God, not seeking the praise of anybody;
not that anybody may see you. You must learn to serve with humility. (John
13: 14). It is one of God’s ways of teaching humility. You cannot be in the
group of seventy without the teaching of humility. If you still consider
yourself as someone indispensable, God cannot use you.
Those that God will use must be ready to serve Him joyfully (Psalm
100:2). If you want to be in the group of seventy, you must learn to serve
God with JOY. When you are asked to do something, you must do it
Finally, you must remember that your efforts are not in vain. In your
running up and down, praying and fasting, remember I Cor. 15:58, When
God asks you to go out and work, you can be sure He is going to reward
you in the end. Whatever you do for Him, you can be sure that the reward
is on the way.
18Those who are in the group of seventy must:-
(i) Serve continuously.
(ii) (iii) (iv) Learn to serve without supervision.
Be ready to endure hardship.
Be willing to work to the best of their ability.
(v) (vi) Be willing to use whatever they have and their best for God.
Learn to serve without seeking the praise of anybody because all
glory must belong to God (i.e. avoid eye-service).
(vii) (viii) (ix) (x) Learn to serve with humility.
Be willing to serve Him with joy.
Constantly remember that their efforts will not be in vain
Know that they need prayer to make all the above possible.
John 15:5. Christ says,” without me you can do nothing. ” Mark 3:13-15.
Jesus chose the twelve to live with Him and sent them out to preach, to
have power to heal and to have power to cast out evil spirits. These are the
four things that Jesus said the twelve should do – Mark 3:13-15.
Anybody who thinks ahead of the present and who thinks about what
will happen tomorrow, will not have a friend. This is because worldly
people believe in the food that is ready i.e. they prefer to enjoy now and
later face hardship. Jesus Christ preferred to endure hardship and later
enjoy the rewards. He knew that a day was coming when He would be
crowned, when He would be glorified. This was why He had no friends.
This was why He arranged to select the twelve that would move together,
come in and go out, with Him. Sometimes He was homesick; He was
constantly talking to the Father, “that glory we have together, I do not
forget, do not let this glory pass me by.” Occasionally, He sneaked out to
pray alone to the Father. Those who want to deal with Jesus must be
He chose the twelve because they had something special. They deserved
being His Ambassadors because:
191. They were of humble character; (gentle) very truthful, prayer
warriors, holy within and out.
2. Their only ambition was to make their Captain happy, to please Him
joyfully (II Tim. 2:4). Our own ambition too is to please Him.
3. Whatever they did, they did like their Captain. An African adage says,
if the leaf stays so long with soap, it automatically becomes soap.
Because they lived with Christ, their action was like Christ. (John
4. Anyone who saw them knew that they had been with Jesus for long.
(Acts 4:13). If someone sees you in a market-place, will such one say
you are a child of God?
From among the twelve, Peter, John and James were chosen on several
occasions to accompany Jesus Christ – Mark 9:2-9; 5:37, Matt. 17:1-9;
John the beloved was privileged to be the closest to the Master from among
the three disciples – John 20:2, John 21:7, 20
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