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Brokenness is a process by which the flesh is subdued in order to imbibe

the spirit of meekness and humility – Mic. 6:8, Mt.11:29, 18:4. It involves

the crucifixion of the flesh and its influence over the inner man – Gal.5:24,

Rom.6:6, Col.3:12.

The unbroken person is ruled by self and pride. Self is the state of full

manifestation of the works of the flesh-Gal.5:19-21.

Brokenness of the spirit in “self ” must be a vital goal of every worker in the

Lord’s service. This can be achieved through the following means:

(1) Personal decision to subdue self – Mat 18:4, Mat 20:26-27, Phil. 2:3.

(2) Divine enforcement – Jam. 4:6, Prov. 15:25a, Mat. 23:12, Luk. 1:52.

(3) Living a life of humility because pride brings a person into personal

confrontation with God- Jam 4: 6, 10, Matt 23:12.

(4) Fear and reverence for God – Ps. 111:10, Pro. 1: 7, 3:7, 8:13 . The fear

of God is the whole duty of man- Eccl. 12:13.

(5) Surrendering one’s self as an instrument of God in accomplishing His

purpose on earth – Ezek. 22:30. These instruments are battle-axes,

giant-killers, revivalist, reformers, co-workers with Christ and tools in

the hand of the Holy Spirit.

Hence, Ps 34:18 tells us that “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a

broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.”

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